
Monday, March 1, 2010

Steve Hargadon

Steve Hargadon
Effective Social Networks

A network must fulfill some compelling needs. This is one point that was made by Steve Hargadon in regards to building effective social networks. I believe this to be true. There has to be a need in order for students to want to be a part of a social network. For myself I would use social networking for a math class of middle school or high school age students. It would be a place for them to go and collaborate with each other on homework. They would also be able to help each other with certain problems or discuss easier ways to solve problems. Giving your students a reason to be a part of a social network will increase the sites success and your student’s success in the class.

There is very real value in “moderating” or “guiding” your network. Steve Hargadon states, “It is important to help manage expectations and also to see problems when they first arise and deal with them quickly.” As a teacher it is vital to do this if your class is going to be involved in a social network. Just as classroom management is important, managing any social networking that might take place in with your class is just as important. Teachers have yet another huge responsibility with social networking if students are going to take part in it. Giving proper directions, expectations and examples of what is expected is essential to the success of the network.

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